Intake interview


The intake interview is an important part of the overall examination. Through a comprehensive interview, we aim to form a hypothesis together with you about the origin of your complaint. We take into account all systems that may contribute. It is possible to conduct the intake interview online or by phone or in our clinic. If the intake indicates that further examination is the next step, we will schedule a follow-up appointment for examination at our clinic.

Once you decide to make an appoint for an intake with us we will send you forms to fill in and return to us. We also ask for additional medical information so we can read all the information before we actually speak to you.

The interview
The interview takes an hour and a half  to two hours and can be conducted at our clinic, by telephone or online(zoom).

A report of the intake will be provided to you with an advice.

This can consist of:

  • Additional examination in our clinic
  • Referral to other care providers

If you come to our clinic for additional examination, we schedule a 3-hour consultation. Within this time you will be examined by two experts and afterwards we will explain what is going on and discuss the treatment plan. Within a week you will receive the full report from us.

If we refer you to a third party, this is always a referral within our network to care providers who specialize in treating people with chronic pelvic pain.

We have a network of medical experts (transdisciplinary) with whom we can consult and to whom we can refer.

A consultation usually takes 2 hours,  costs 300 euro, including preparation and reading additional medical information.

Intake interview - Intake interview