Tecar Therapy with INDIBA

Starting in October, we will be using the Indiba. This device is especially known from top sports where it is used to recover faster after an injury. Also within the pain treatment we see that using this device promotes recovery and supports us in our treatment.


The PROIONIC® 448 kHz System

Indiba is an innovative, groundbreaking device that works with a constant radio frequency of 448 KHz.

Indications for INDIBA treatment in pelvic physiotherapy

  • Scars (after caesarean section but also in case of a persistent painful vaginal cut during childbirth)
  • overactive pelvic floor
  • persistent tailbone pain
  • abdominal pain – groin pain

The INDIBA should not be used during pregnancy and in patients wearing a pacemaker for heart disease

The cell therapy of INDIBA® activ is based on the Proionic® system. The unique and patented Proionic® system activates intra- and extracellular ion movement, increases membrane permeability and cellular metabolism. Restarting cellular exchanges and restoring electrical balance enhance the natural processes of wound healing and tissue regeneration.

The system is based on the 448 kHz frequency that activates biostimulation, increases microcirculation and induces hyperactivation, always respecting the physiology of the cell.

Why is the 448 kHz frequency ideal?

The 448 kHz frequency sets the intra- and extracellular ions in motion in a specific way. This frequency possesses the property of increasing membrane permeability and cellular metabolism by delivering oxygen and nutrients. With the activation of microcirculation, the Proionic® system stimulates fibroblasts and activates the production of collagen.

The cellular processes and activation of exchanges by the Proionic® system promote wound healing and have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and fibrolytic properties.

Unique and safe energy transfer

THE CAPACITIVE MODE Suitable for targeted treatment and perfused tissue

The reactions triggered by the capacitive mode concentrate mainly in the tissue under the electrode. The capacitive mode acts like a capacitor and thus a local increase in electro-regenerative energy occurs and the tissues can be treated in a targeted manner (muscles, tendons, ligaments).

THE RESISTIVE MODE Suitable for thick, fatty or fibrotic tissue

The electro-regenerative energy produced by the resistive mode acts on the body at a deeper level (muscles, tendons, ligaments). The profound action acts on zones previously considered inaccessible. The tissues with high density and low water content such as the joints (knees, wrists, etc.), tendons and bones absorb the delivered energy.

In vascularization (blood flow) intensity, we aim at an opening of the small blood vessels. We see an increase in oxygen supply and an improvement in the removal of deoxygenated blood and lymph fluid. As a result, we provide the tissue with the necessary elements to repair itself. This intensity is mainly used in subacute phase
In hyperactivation, we get a large increase in temperature. This reorganizes the connective tissue structure of the tissue and we start to reduce scar tissue formation. The tissue is restructured even in chronic cases where there had been fibrosis for some time (consequences of traumatic injury, osteoarthritis).

The result is a marked acceleration of the natural healing process and pain reduction from the first treatment. So fewer treatments are needed.

Within pelvic physiotherapy, this treatment is used for example for pain, scar treatment, overactive pelvic floor, tailbone pain.

For more information: www.indibaactiv.com

Return plate

The return plate closes the circuit to ensure ion movement.

Indiba is used during therapeutic actions and exercise therapy. This “amplifies” the action of our hands.

Depending on the intensity of the RF, we aim at 3 objectives namely cellular bio-stimulation, vascularization (micro-circulation) or hyper-activation.

INDIBA® activ Cellular therapy

Pushing the boundaries in rehabilitation and pain management

INDIBA® activ patented, safe and effective technology with THREE-fold action


Bio-stimulation changes the permeability of the cell membrane. This increases the cell’s metabolism, increases oxygen uptake resulting in accelerated tissue repair. We see a marked reduction in swelling and pain relief. This intensity is mainly used in acute phase.


In vascularization (blood flow) intensity, we aim at an opening of the small blood vessels. We see an increase in oxygen supply and an improvement in the removal of deoxygenated blood and lymph fluid. As a result, we provide the tissue with the necessary elements to repair itself. This intensity is mainly used in subacute phase
In hyperactivation, we get a large increase in temperature. This reorganizes the connective tissue structure of the tissue and we start to reduce scar tissue formation. The tissue is restructured even in chronic cases where there had been fibrosis for some time (consequences of traumatic injury, osteoarthritis).

The result is a marked acceleration of the natural healing process and pain reduction from the first treatment. So fewer treatments are needed.

Within pelvic physiotherapy, this treatment is used for example for pain, scar treatment, overactive pelvic floor, tailbone pain.

For more information: www.indibaactiv.com

Tecar Therapy with INDIBA